Friday, December 18, 2015


Have you ever had one of those days where your heart wants to burst with happiness just from being proud? That is how I always feel every time we go to an awards ceremony. This time it just so happened that it was Jackson, Jason and Cassie awards for Fall Sports.

Jason got the award for participating in Football. It is his freshman year and to play Varsity 8 man football is a big honor. I loved when the Coach talked about how much the freshman meant to the team. How it’s a big deal to be playing with seniors as you are just starting. I loved watching Jason’s face smile as he got his award. To think he has 3 more years of Football really excited me! He is going to keep getting bigger and better. I am so proud of him for deciding to do it as the end of 8th grade he wasn’t going to at all. He really enjoys football now. Even makes me watch Football Life on TV ha!

Cassie is in Varsity Volleyball. She is a junior and a participation award and also an award for having great grades while playing. Right now she has a 4.10 GPA which is pretty impressive considering all the games they go to through the year. I liked how the coach talked about her team and what fun they had. Volleyball actually had enough of a team to play JV and Varsity which is great. Cassie really strived hard to continue to get better and would go to both practices. I am so proud of her.

Then there is Jackson. Yep, my senior and his last Football Sports Award. He got his participation award. I loved hearing the Coach talk about no matter what you asked him he would go and do. He said he was so respectful, never talked back and always wanted to play. Ryan and I laughed when they said he never talked back. We even teased him later and Jack laughed. We were really proud because he got Honorable mention for All League and then out of all the kids on the team he got the Coaches Award. That was a pretty big honor. I am so proud of him.

I am proud of all three of my kids, their awards and the kind words said. Joshua didn’t get to play Football this year as he was making sure his knees would be good for his sport..Basketball.

It was a good night and I am glad we were there to experience it with them. Until next season. Basketball has begun. All three boys are playing and this time its Cassies turn to sit out.

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