Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bahumbug STAR WARS

Ba Humbug Star Wars? Really? Why did I title that when we love Scrooge and Star Wars? The kids got out of school on Friday and we wanted to start the Holiday Festivities right away.


Saturday we got up, had a good breakfast and got ready to brave the snow to drive 2 hours to go see a play at the Redding Civic Center. Mind you we live in a small town of only 250 people and off a 15 mile dirt road just to get to that little town center. So everything is far away. You get used to it and don’t even realize it anymore.

We had to pile into two cars as there was 7 of us but we were on our way. Once we got there MIL treated us to lunch and we headed to the show.

I loved the show. I love seeing actors act and right in front of you. It was full of laughter and joy just like a show should be. I was happy we decided to take the kids and MIL because hopefully it’s something they will remember later on in life. My parents used to take me to them and I always want to share that with my four kids too. It was a cute love story of Scrooge and I highly recommend it. One of those ones you can go if you’re single but hold hands to if you are not.



We made it home safely which was good as no one got stuck this time. Just wait as it does happen lol.

Sunday we went to a grand 50th party for a good friend of mine. I am thankful that we made it as it snowed even more. It was good to see my friends and be able to celebrate and have a surprise party for herJ That evening we watched a couple episodes of Star Wars as we were going the next day as a family.

The next day my husband woke up the kids with the loudest Star Wars Music. It rang through the whole house as today was Star Wars Movie Day. It was so hilarious to see some kids all excited and others looking at him like he had lost his mind. We watched one more episode and then left early as we had a 2 hour trip to go to the movies in Redding again. This time as we left in two cars we didn’t arrive at the same time as we got stuck for an hour on our driveway and had to get another car lol. AHH the wonders of living out on a ranch.

We did however make it to stand in line with our already bought tickets. Everyone got their popcorn and drinks. Ryan and I got our Storm Trooper 3D glasses and we were ready! I am thankful we all got to sit together!

The movie was Awesome! Let’s just say….actually I will not say anything as you have to go see it yourself! We all loved it and the 3D part was ultra-cool. Thought it was cool the kids all wore their Star Wars shirts also. Next time we have to get MIL one too!

It was a fun 3 day weekend that is still continuing as the kids don’t have school this week. Mil is here with us through the holidays which is an extra special part too. I miss my family at Christmas time. We will be seeing my Dad and Stepmom right after Christmas though. I finally got our Christmas Cards out also which is way late but I can’t be on top of everything all the time right? J

We have many more days of Christmas festivities but this is a good start!!!



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