Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Do more of what makes you happy!

Do more of what makes you happy! I have been looking at that sign in my kitchen kind of a lot lately. I am someone who goes through phases of things. Its funny because Ryan does the same thing. Maybe that's why we are such a good match. I have gone through painting, scrapbooking, blogging, vlogging, etc etc. I have been in a rut lately. So I am going to do more of what makes me happy! I am going to start back to blogging again. I love it. I don't know why I stopped. Life just seems to get at you sometimes and you are so busy you kind of forget to do YOU.

I am doing me! I am still taking care of my family of course but I am putting a little more attention into myself. The happier I am....the happier my family will be.

My life is good don't get me wrong. I just would like to do some extra stuff while I have time. While the kids are in school. So this is my little get back to daily blogging notice.

So please subscribe! You will get an email every time I blog and can read it....or even choose not too. I mean seriously sometimes the only thing I have a chance to read is my bible app or yah...Facebook. I am a junkie in both of those apps. I cant see if you subscribed but I surely would feel great if you did!

Up and coming....tons of pictures of my family, what we do, and just real talk with all of you. So if you are going to read this remember I write like I talk. :)

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