Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Funny and Cute Dog and Cat Pictures

Sometimes I just want everyone to laugh or just to say AWE! Your Welcome :) Check out the links of the people I got these from:) Posted on the pictures

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Bahumbug STAR WARS

Ba Humbug Star Wars? Really? Why did I title that when we love Scrooge and Star Wars? The kids got out of school on Friday and we wanted to start the Holiday Festivities right away.


Saturday we got up, had a good breakfast and got ready to brave the snow to drive 2 hours to go see a play at the Redding Civic Center. Mind you we live in a small town of only 250 people and off a 15 mile dirt road just to get to that little town center. So everything is far away. You get used to it and don’t even realize it anymore.

We had to pile into two cars as there was 7 of us but we were on our way. Once we got there MIL treated us to lunch and we headed to the show.

I loved the show. I love seeing actors act and right in front of you. It was full of laughter and joy just like a show should be. I was happy we decided to take the kids and MIL because hopefully it’s something they will remember later on in life. My parents used to take me to them and I always want to share that with my four kids too. It was a cute love story of Scrooge and I highly recommend it. One of those ones you can go if you’re single but hold hands to if you are not.



We made it home safely which was good as no one got stuck this time. Just wait as it does happen lol.

Sunday we went to a grand 50th party for a good friend of mine. I am thankful that we made it as it snowed even more. It was good to see my friends and be able to celebrate and have a surprise party for herJ That evening we watched a couple episodes of Star Wars as we were going the next day as a family.

The next day my husband woke up the kids with the loudest Star Wars Music. It rang through the whole house as today was Star Wars Movie Day. It was so hilarious to see some kids all excited and others looking at him like he had lost his mind. We watched one more episode and then left early as we had a 2 hour trip to go to the movies in Redding again. This time as we left in two cars we didn’t arrive at the same time as we got stuck for an hour on our driveway and had to get another car lol. AHH the wonders of living out on a ranch.

We did however make it to stand in line with our already bought tickets. Everyone got their popcorn and drinks. Ryan and I got our Storm Trooper 3D glasses and we were ready! I am thankful we all got to sit together!

The movie was Awesome! Let’s just say….actually I will not say anything as you have to go see it yourself! We all loved it and the 3D part was ultra-cool. Thought it was cool the kids all wore their Star Wars shirts also. Next time we have to get MIL one too!

It was a fun 3 day weekend that is still continuing as the kids don’t have school this week. Mil is here with us through the holidays which is an extra special part too. I miss my family at Christmas time. We will be seeing my Dad and Stepmom right after Christmas though. I finally got our Christmas Cards out also which is way late but I can’t be on top of everything all the time right? J

We have many more days of Christmas festivities but this is a good start!!!



Friday, December 18, 2015


Have you ever had one of those days where your heart wants to burst with happiness just from being proud? That is how I always feel every time we go to an awards ceremony. This time it just so happened that it was Jackson, Jason and Cassie awards for Fall Sports.

Jason got the award for participating in Football. It is his freshman year and to play Varsity 8 man football is a big honor. I loved when the Coach talked about how much the freshman meant to the team. How it’s a big deal to be playing with seniors as you are just starting. I loved watching Jason’s face smile as he got his award. To think he has 3 more years of Football really excited me! He is going to keep getting bigger and better. I am so proud of him for deciding to do it as the end of 8th grade he wasn’t going to at all. He really enjoys football now. Even makes me watch Football Life on TV ha!

Cassie is in Varsity Volleyball. She is a junior and a participation award and also an award for having great grades while playing. Right now she has a 4.10 GPA which is pretty impressive considering all the games they go to through the year. I liked how the coach talked about her team and what fun they had. Volleyball actually had enough of a team to play JV and Varsity which is great. Cassie really strived hard to continue to get better and would go to both practices. I am so proud of her.

Then there is Jackson. Yep, my senior and his last Football Sports Award. He got his participation award. I loved hearing the Coach talk about no matter what you asked him he would go and do. He said he was so respectful, never talked back and always wanted to play. Ryan and I laughed when they said he never talked back. We even teased him later and Jack laughed. We were really proud because he got Honorable mention for All League and then out of all the kids on the team he got the Coaches Award. That was a pretty big honor. I am so proud of him.

I am proud of all three of my kids, their awards and the kind words said. Joshua didn’t get to play Football this year as he was making sure his knees would be good for his sport..Basketball.

It was a good night and I am glad we were there to experience it with them. Until next season. Basketball has begun. All three boys are playing and this time its Cassies turn to sit out.

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Biggest Netherlands Swap!

Monday, December 14, 2015

A VERY bad day (caution pics)

24 hours of snow in Northern Cali

Have you ever had one of those days? You know those days that no matter what you know you are going to laugh because literally everything has gone wrong? Everything…..

Well welcome to this day! You will probably be laughing at it too once it’s done. Be sure to comment what else you think could of gone wrong. Hey why not? I think you should laugh about it too. We did.
The next day

It started out harmlessly enough. A rancher was coming to get two of our horses that we gave away as we are only riding 3 of them right now. As my husband says if we aren’t riding them then they become really expensive lawn mowers. It was bittersweet but I knew they were going to a new home. Our horses get on our trailer easy peasy. Apparently they did not like the new Ranchers trailer at all. It smelt different or they knew they were going away but they WOULD NOT GET ON THEIR TRAILER. Mind you it had already started snowing.

3 hours later. Yes you heard me right. THREE hours later we finally got them on the other trailer. What killed us the most if they would walk right on our trailer but no…..not theirs? At one point Foxy pulled back and got spooked so as she started going back, I let go of lead rope, and my finger slammed on trailer door. It hurt but my hands were so frozen by that time it didn’t matter. Ryan says I have the worst luck sometimes as I only had the lead rope for maybe 15 minutes. Thank God my hands were frozen as I didn’t bring gloves like normal. Why you ask? Because as I said before the horses get on our trailer so easy. Didn’t think this would be a problem.

So you had to be there to see it but finally we got them on. We don’t bully animals on. We take our time as we want them to not be afraid of trailering. I didn’t do much more past that as my finger was swelling and as I warmed up I felt the pain. It was broken. Ranchers said goodbye as we gave horses their last of treats from us. I knew they would be going to a good home.
Broken and Bruised. Got my Ring off though

After three hours of dumping snow we knew we would have to trailer the Bobcat Machine home. We needed it to work on our road at our ranch. Well the ranch we live on as Ryan runs three of them so we are always carting items from one to another.

We went to start the Bobcat and the battery was dead. Ryan looked at me while I was in the truck with our pregnant Shitzu dog Molly and just laughed. I said “Our luck” and we jumped it with the truck. Once the battery was charged we pulled the truck forward to put the Bobcat onto the hauling trailer. We hadn’t even put the Bobcat on when I saw Ryan throw his hands in the air. Their might have been a cuss word that came out under his breathe too. I asked what was wrong. He said the truck just broke a bearing. A bearing? I have no idea what that even meant. Well basically the part that holds the whole tire on broke. We had one go out back in April and apparently the other side decided to catch up.
even molly was over it

Ryan got back in truck. Said ok now what? How are we going to get a broken truck home in the snow and the Bobcat. Triple A to the rescue. They were going to be able to tow the truck. Just not the Bobcat which we really needed bec of the snow and the mud underneath had made our driveway almost impassible even though it had been redone several times before. Got to love weather and a mile long driveway off a 15 mile long dirt road to town. While we waited an hour in the truck for towing to come our good friend Noelle brought us sandwiches as we hasn’t eaten that day yet and it was 5pm. No one expected the day to be this long and the plan was to take our daughter to eat and to the movies that night since her brothers were out of town at a basketball weekend tournament.

So we have now….broken finger, 3 hours in the snow getting horses in, an hour long wait for triple A and still thinking on how we are going to get the Bobcat home.
Who has a two wheel drive Tow Truck

I am going to fast forward some. Tow truck driver showed up. Molly my dog and I got in the cab as I was going to show him how to get to our house. Ryan as crazy as he is but smart too because he knew we would really need the Bobcat at home now decided to drive it home. The Bobcat. Yes! He was going to make the twenty mile trip going 7mph because we needed it at the other ranch and without the truck….we would never get it home.

Did you read that? 7mph!!! For over 20 miles!! It was going to take him HOURS! He started to head off but in 20 seconds we had already passed him of course. I am going with the tow truck driver who told me that the tow truck was only 2 wheel drive. I may not know much about cars but I know that two wheel drive is NOT a good thing on a 15 mile dirt road covered in snow and it’s still snowing.

Fast forward….slipping and sliding and chaining up. We get to our ranch. He couldn’t even get up our driveway part of the hill as it was so bad. ¼ mile from our house. I said just leave the truck here which Ryan knew we would probably have to do. Tipped the guy and said drive safe. I walked the ¼ mile up the hill in the snow carrying my pregnant dog ha!
Even River was frozen

I text ryan as soon as I got home. He had only made it to our 15 mile dirt road. He said he was going 5mph but if he went backwards he could go 7mph. Then he joked with me about he didn’t think he should be texting me at such high speeds as texting and driving wasn’t okay. HA! I felt so bad for him. Hours in the Bobcat to get home. Truck not even all the way to our shops to be able to work on it and fix the problem. It was still snowing and it was going to be a long evening. I started ham, potatoes and broccoli so he would have a warm meal. I text him till he got to no service area. The boys even ended up passing him on the road when they came back from their weekend game to tell me where he was. I was instructed to not go get him unless it was 10pm because that meant he was stuck. The last text I got from him was “Our boys are sick and sound like old ladies that have smoked their whole lives….they just passed me….see you in an hour”

So broken finger, horses causing problems, waiting for AAA, 2 wheel drive tow truck, Bobcat and a 15 mile road and still snowing oh and all the boys came home sick. Is anyone laughing yet? I know we were.

We have gone through things in life that just make us laugh. It’s better than crying or getting mad. Might as well pack it all into one day rather than many right? Right!

Ryan did make it home safely, we reset my finger, we laughed, and we ended up warming up by fire with our sick kids and watching a movie at home. Tomorrow would be another day. Thank goodness Cassie had stayed at home thinking it was going to be a short trip to give up the horses. She helped by keeping fire going and by feeding all the animals on the ranch. It was one heck of a day. It’s over with now and we can laugh even more about it.
Jason Helping Ryan

Update: Josh and Jack were so sick next day that Jason helped Ryan get the truck up the hill. Thank God for that Bobcat over wise it never would have made it. The trucks in the shop. Ryan is getting the parts and will fix it this week. It snowed a foot the next day so we plowed our roads. Electricity and phone went down….HA! I told you! There is always more. We used that time to play board and card games.
What a fun game
Hey no more photos lol

Sometimes you just have to laugh. Have you ever had a day like this? I would love to hear about itJ

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The Winners of my $50 Dollar giveaway is Lekiha Morgan!!! Thank you for supporting me! Please PM or email me your address or email. Address for Starbucks or email for Amazon as you can have it today!! So excited!!

And since its the holiday season I chose to do a second GC for $25 to the person who shared the most. Congrats to Rebecca Keiser!  Thank you for supporting me! Please PM or email me your address or email. Address for Starbucks or email for Amazon as you can have it today!! So excited!!

Love giveaways!!! There will be more this coming soon so stay tuned!!! :)