Sunday, March 8, 2015

Destruction, Competition and a new Baby

Destruction, Competition and a New Baby must be a normal Sunday night, right? Ok so that sounds a little more than what we did this Sunday but its true! I will even show you in pictures. This picture I will put twice because I think its funny. He was trying to keep a straight face.

We have this shed that is falling apart. Its on old shed that was here before we even got here. Today we decided to work in the yard, weed, mow etc. I kept looking at that shed and finally we decided lets just take it down. The kids cleaned it out of stuff that we didn't even know about and put it in the barn. Then they decided they wanted to pull it down themselves instead of using the bobcat. Crazy teenagers! They had fun though and Ryan finished it off with the Bobcat. Garbage went to the Garbage and recycling went to the metal pile.
My 14 year olds helping

They wanted to do it the hard but fun way

So much fun smashing things

Will recycle into garden boxes

After working in the yard I talked my husband into shooting bows at targets. Ok so if you know my husband Ryan you will know that all I had to do was say "hey do you want to" and he would of already of said yes. Then he heard the word "bow" and probably started to salivate in his mouth thinking I was going to pick it up and shoot it ha! You see I haven't shot a bow but maybe 20 times ever. Cushing's had taken my strength so I wasn't able to really do it. Today was the first time I thought I was strong enough to do it. Before I couldn't lift or pull back 10 pounds now I can do 45-50 so I was in the clear. Jackson decided to shoot with us. I shot two times and did really well. So well that I couldn't tell that it was two shots because it looked like one. I thought to myself "hey I am kind of good at this...who knew". So I decided to have a competition with my son who shoots all the time. We did the best out of four shots. I made sure that he had his bow sited in and made him promise me he wouldn't let me win. Jackson is too competitive to let me win even if it was me lol. So we did the best out of four and guess who won!!! ME!!!! I am telling you I think I might have a gift here hahahaha considering they shoot ALL the time and today maybe was my 30th time ever shooting a bow. should see me giggling now because I felt so good about it. I could never beat Ryan but I will take that I did better than my son.
Ryan shooting. He always gets his shot

Jack in competition with me

Yep I have a light bow lol

Winner!! Mom! Rae Rae!


After we were done shooting we got a phone call from our good friends and ranchers the Albaughs. They are lambing and had a bummer lamb that the mom wouldn't take. He has a cleft palate and was just born an hour ago. I started jumping up and down. I get so so excited seeing the lambs and each year we bottle feed a couple for them. You have to feed them 6 times a day so its no easy task but I love it.

First we toured around and looked at all the babies!! I loved it. I just wanted to hug them all. I cant help it. Here are a couple pictures of their place.

Then we got "Lammie" hey why not...Better than what they were calling her before which was "Parrot" because of her mouth. She is the cutest little thing. We will love on her and feed her till she is healthy and big. She has a broken little ear, and a cleft mouth but she is ours to love. :) Our new baby has already had her bottle and doing well. She is sleeping in the dog crate so she stays warm but is outside when she isn't in the crate. She is different but to us she is beautiful. Love her!
Taking Lammie home

So asleep with Cassie

First of Many, Many Bottles!

So as you can see we had a good day! Love family days like this. A lot was accomplished. We had fun. We got a new baby. You know....its just an ordinary Sunday!

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