Monday, March 23, 2015

How to pray when busy

I think with life being so busy it sometimes is hard to really get in touch with God. Does not mean that we aren't being a good person or that we don't want to. This is my own list on how to pray when you are busy. For ME it helps me throughout the day. With four teenagers and a life that is on the go it has really helped me. I want to share it with you.

Side note: I am a Christian but I am not anywhere near perfect. This is something that has helped me and I want to share so hopefully it helps you too! Love from Rae-Rae

1. When waking up, before your day begins you can start with a prayer. Something as simple and perfect as "This is the day the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in him".

2. One of the times I tend to pray the most is in the shower. I am alone and have that one on one time with God. To me and it might sound silly but its refreshing and like washing my attitude, thoughts or sins away. I tend to pray about getting rid of any feelings of anger, or sadness if I have any that week.

3. Car rides! I have a lot of those with teens. I am always going to pick up someone or drop someone off. This is a great time to pray. Put on K-Love it might even help to know what to pray about. This is usually the time I am praying for others. All those that I said I would pray for in their time of need. This is my time to do that. Helpful to me too because I drive a lot. For those of you who commute to and from work....its perfect. Once I was coming back from a Dr appt that was two hours away and I spent the whole time praying. I needed it and I felt much better by the time I got home.

4. When you think of someone. Use that time to pray for them. It doesn't have to be long. You can even say to God that you are thinking of them and want him to protect them or put his loving presence  in their life. Its good to pray for others.

5. Something I am just now learning is sometimes when I am stressed I turn to maybe a bowl of popcorn. I have been trying to pray at these times. Again it doesn't have to be long but having a conversation between you and God. I have noticed a lot of times I don't want that popcorn anymore and I wait for Gods answers. Its in his timing but I know he heard me.

6. Pray alone, or pray with others. I love praying with my friends. Sometimes I am the one who is more shy to start it but I jump in if they want to. I like it when a friend asks for prayer from me and others. I feel like we are more than one praying for whatever is happening. Almost like God is listening more or something. However I know that it only takes one person. I personally just like that more are doing it ...together. I pray with my husband or children. Dinner is a good time when everyone is together to give thanks for our days or even just the food that is in front of us.

7. When I am cooking or doing chores I try to pray. I give thanks for all that God has done for my family. Even the obstacles because it makes us stronger. I thank him for my family, my friends, my home, my life and all the things that has been happening to me. I especially thank him for answered prayers. It may not come in MY time but it always comes in HIS time. He can see way further than I can!

8. I don't have a certain time to do this but usually its before I go to bed. I ask God for forgiveness. Everyone makes one is perfect. Though sometimes people have a hard time admitting or thinking of a mistake they have made....there is always a way we can be better. God forgives us. Tell him and ask for forgiveness. Its healing.

9. I don't pray all day long but really I should. These are just some places that I find praying is good because I am so busy. Another is when you are exercising, taking a walk, riding an elevator or taking the stairs somewhere. Walking from the car to the store. God wont get upset with you for it being short. He just wants to know you are there. :)

10. I pray a lot for guidance. With a large family and kids to take care of I  pray a lot for that. I ask him to lead me and to show me what the right decision is. I am always asking God ways to make me a better person. I ask him for guidance with my kids and my marriage. How to help my kids and to guide them. How to keep a strong relationship with my husband. I think besides Thanking God...I ask for a lot of guidance.

I am not perfect....I am no where near it. I fall all the time but I get back up with Gods Hand. I hope these were helpful to you. Its been on my mind. I really wanted to share. I love to pray. There is no wrong way to pray. People across the world pray in different ways. Its just about your relationship with God.

11. Pray now....Take a second from reading this and just talk to God or say a prayer that you know. If you have never prayed....Say hi to him and tell him what you have been feeling. He is listening. God Bless you all!

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  1. Good post, Rae! I need to pray more. It seems like when I was younger and healthier I was guilty of not doing it as much even though I needed to. Now that I am chronically ill and older I need God every second and pray to HIM more.

    1. you won the 10 dollar starbucks gift card! check out march 31st anniversary post on how to claim it!
