Friday, March 13, 2015

Q & A Getting to know Rae Rae's Hubby

I cant remember where I saw this but I thought it was cool to do a Question and Answer Session. I am going to do my hubby first and tomorrow while we are on the road I will be doing the kids. I actually had to put work into this ha! I had to tape record (ok on my iPhone but whatever) the conversation so I could write down the answers. Its pretty funny how we end up asking more than there is. Mind you I am going to type this WORD for WORD! Lets get to know my hubby first!

Hi Hubby what's your name? Ryan

Okay, (yes I said that when asking) would you rather watch a sitcom, a reality show, a police drama, a legal drama, a medical drama or something else and why? What were my options? (Sigh, this might take awhile and I repeated question). I don't know I guess it depends on my mood. I like the ones that make you think unless its a good comedy. You like watching hunting. Yes, that makes me think.

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would they title it? What was I thinking.

Are you a Spender or a Saver? Spend-eer.

What would you do if you had a Million Dollars right now? I would put it towards all the kids college and buy a house for us.

What is your favorite kind of music? Old style, I guess that Grandpa old style rock. None of that long hair crap. Name the first song that comes to your head? Ball and Chain. (I laugh).Who is that by? Social Distortion.

Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence and why? Intelligence. Why? Because you can think about easier ways to move heavy things. You get more done if you are smart. I think anyone's strongest muscle should be between their ears.

Name a couple of your pet peeves? (I close my ears and act like I am not listening) Wet Floors. (he hates it if his socks get wet lol) Trash in the car. You have the most trash in your truck! Water bottles full of water don't count.

What is your dream job? I don't know. I think I am doing it. Get to play around on my horse. I get to use tractors and move around dirt. I am like a little kid its just not a Tonka truck anymore its a real one. A bigger toy.

What's the strangest food you have ever eaten? Strangest? I don't know. Dog food. Ehw when did you eat dog food! I don't know it was a party favor. You ate dog food? Gross! It might of been cat food I don't know. I guess my real answer is a live Sea Urchin.

What place would you like to visit and why? Tropical Places. Just because its fun to be by the ocean and its warm. Plus you get to see cool animals.

Who makes you want to be a better person? You and the kids. I am straight up saying that you and the kids make me want to do better and be better. I want to take care of everyone.

What is your favorite way to kill time? Hunting.

When did your mouth get you in trouble? I don't know ....Five minutes ago (I laugh). Right when you said, "ok I want to ask you these questions" (I am still laughing).

When you have a sweet tooth what do you crave? Candy. When don't you have a sweet tooth though? I never liked sweets till I met you. That's not true I don't even like sweets. Ok your right I like hard crunchy candy like candy canes and lemon drops.

What would you like to learn about? Hmm...(long pause) I guess scientific stuff like computer science and experiments on chemicals. Psychology is cool though too. People trip me out. Why does one person think something is normal and another person thinks its abnormal.

What is the story behind one of your scars? I don't know pick a scar. Shoulder surgery...or do you want to go for something cool. Cool of course. I have a couple of burns on my back from dirt biking. I endowed like nose dived and the bike ended up on top of me and burnt my back. That's why you wear a good helmet because my head would of been crushed. I had a big ol gouge out of my helmet. What's an endow? Its a nose dive. Basically the bike decided to stop right where it was, and I kept going. It pushed me down and burnt me.

In what ways are you a nerd? Between Video games or Dorky Movies.

What do you think are Characteristics that make a good parent? I think being a good I guess leader and actually showing someone how to do something and not just saying how it should be done. Explain why its to be done that way. Then you have to let people make their own mistakes and learn for themselves too.

How would friends describe you to someone who had never met you? I don't know. How would I describe you then? I don't know. I would like to think I am funny. But because I think I am funny doesn't mean everyone else does. So they would say Ryan is funny? I have never thought about how to describe myself or how someone sees me so I am not sure how to really answer that. How would you describe me? You aren't asking me questions that's my job! :)

What's it like to have four teenagers? Drowning. You cant say that. You got that off a comedy show. What's your real answer. Its very interesting. How? You have four very different personalities. That's why I think Psychology is pretty interesting in how people think and how they feel because you have four people who were basically raised all the same way but they all think and feel different ways about everything. I think its pretty crazy. And its expensive (we both start laughing because its so true).

What's your favorite app? Craigslist or EBay.

What's your favorite food? I think I am a meat eater. A good steak. We never go out and have a steak. That's because we can have it at home and when we go out we have sushi. Ya true..Yum...I want sushi right now. Its almost midnight. My Birthday is in a few days.

Who do you look up too? My Grandpa. Why? He was the man! He could do anything and figure anything out. He could go out and take apart half the motor of the truck and put it back together. Even though he said a million times that he didn't know if he could do it this time. You are like your Grandpa. No I take stuff apart and don't put it back together sometimes.

What's it like to be married to me? That's not written down. Yes it is. Let me see your paper. No you cant see it. I am interviewing you remember. What's it like being married to you? Its an Adventure. Never know what's going to happen. Its like a box of chocolates you never know what you are getting next. I love it.

Ok say goodbye. Say goodbye! :)

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