645 am and we are up on a Saturday getting ready to drive to the 8th grade first basketball tournament. Not only is it the first game of the season but it's Jason's first game ever. We make the 1.5 hour drive to the game all pumped up for the day. Excited and nervous he is but it's gonna be a great game.
As other families and friends of ours who have boys on the team show up, we set up for the best view. This game we only have 5 players so they will be playing the whole game. Jason did great hustling and passing the ball. I think he was afraid to shoot as he would pass it to someone right next to him. We were screaming from the stands... " Go Jason!!!" "Arms up get that rebound" " Go Cards" "Shoot the ball!"
I could tell Jason was afraid to shoot the ball so at half time I talked to him and said ,"just shoot the ball.... If you miss then you miss......just go for it". In the second half of the game I was proud because although he was getting tired and his cheeks flushed...he started shooting! Bingo! He is coming out of his shell. My son didn't make a basket in the two shots he took but he got close. He did great on rebounds and grabbing the ball. For a first game he did really well.
Although they didn't win the game it was still a victory to have your first game over with and already progressing just since the start of the game. Go Jason! Took him out to a breakfast place and we talked about what we did well at and what we could work on;)
It seems everyday is packed full of something. When we got home Jackson and Ryan were finally done with the fence. They decided to go coyote bow hunting. Jason was too tired to go but was happy to chill with Josh and Cassie who were drawing.
That night we did our family night. I cooked this new pasta meal with brocalli, sausage, asparagus, capers, Chinese mushrooms, red onion, penne pasta and homemade mushroom sauce with freshly grated paramesan. I really wanted pasta bec after this weekend I am going to have our family cut back a little on so many carbs. Mainly me....but since I cook I guess that means them too.
You see I have gained over 120 pounds in the last couple years because I have a rare disease called Cushings. It's when you have a tumor on your pituitary in your brain. It wrecks havoc on your body and 11 of your hormones. So no matter how much I exercised, dieted, I gained and gained. Let me tell you that was only one symptom of the many. No one wants that to happen though. Fast forward to now. I am 5 months post op from brain surgery and had to take replacement meds so still wasn't losing but thankfully wasn't gaining. As of two weeks ago I weened off all the hormones and BAM! 12 pounds gone without me dieting or anything, 8 inches off my waist and 6 inches off my hips. It's starting to reverse itself on its own!!!! I literally cried because when you are gaining weight every week and can't do anything about it ...it affects how you feel. Now to see it reversing finally is so exciting. My tears were of joy! So I thought now if I changed my eating habits now that I can lose weight that it might be beneficial! So Tuesday when we come back from our mini mini vacation to see family I am going to start. I am totally not a sweets person but I just may have an ice cream cone before Tuesday.
Saturday was a good day. Fun at basketball. Jason and I even made a funny video to the song "shake it off". We all had our dinner together as usual and had pretty deep convos with lots of questions and answers. Cassie was super talkative and I swear she talked about school, anime and vines she had see. For the whole first half hour ha! Then we watched the movie Guilt Trip which apparently Josh and Jason were too tired to make it to the end as you can see!
It was midnight and we all had to get up early to leave to South Lake Tahoe which is 5.5 drive to meet up with my Dad and stepmom for lunch (they will do the hour drive after church to come see us;) and then we are going to Ryan's twin sisters house and staying the night and next day since kids have off to chill, visit and give gifts to our niece who just turned 3 this weekend;) It's going to be fun and I am thankful our friend is house and dog sitting for us;)
****Sidenote and my dad will probably kill me hehe but today he was telling me he read all my blog and that I hadn't mentioned him much lol!!! I said don't worry Dad I will make sure I blog all about you when I see you. He did get a haircut so I guess that makes him totally blog ready;) I love my dad. He served in the Army (Military Intelligence ) for 23 years and is very smart. The thing I love about him though is he isn't stuffy ....he is goofy and fun with our family;) There you go dad.... Another blog with you in it and tomorrow yet another;) Can't wait to see you!
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Question of the day: Do you take pictures of every event? If so... Why? If not.... Why?
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