Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Big Valley Nursery...Shop Local!

I am all about a deal in life but I am also all about shopping local especially when they have great items all the time. This is how I feel about Big Valley Nursery. It’s located in Bieber, Ca and has an amazing variety of things to be had. Not only that but I love going there just for the simple fact of getting a great product that I love and  seeing all the ideas that I can do in my own garden. It makes me feel like a champion in arranging and gardening before I even leave Big Valley Nursery. My mind starts racing with ideas that I will do at my own home.

Okay stop! Make sure you are reading this part…if you go there tell them that you saw this blog and you will receive a 6 pack of beautiful, fragrant petunias. I wanted to write a blog about Big Valley Nursery. I wasn’t going to tell the owner Laura at first but ended up telling her anyways.  She suggested this giveaway! How great is that! FREE! Trust me you will love it there anyways but this is icing on the cake. All you have to do is say you saw EverydayRaeRae blogJ

Back to why I am writing this blog. I really think shopping at your local stores and shops is SO important. Do I go to Home Depot and Walmart….sure I do. Do I shop as much as I can local though… you betcha! It helps those who are so hardworking and put in all those hours day by day. Who doesn’t want flowers, plants, scrubs or veggies from a place that makes it with love? My mom always said when you grow it with love it tastes better. That’s why I buy all my veggies there and from a friend of mine.

There are so many varieties of flowers and plants. I personally am a veggie girl so I buy a lot of Veggie plants start my garden. Laura Dye, the owner, will also help you with anything you need! Do you need to know what plant goes well with what? She will help you! Do you need to know how far apart to plant something? She will help you! Do you need a beautiful arrangement in amazing new ceramic pot? She will help you. She is very helpful and knowledgeable.

You have plenty of time to get some plants to spruce up your yard. Maybe you don’t have a green thumb. That shouldn’t stop you from going there because they have great scrubs and trees. Heck, even hanging baskets that all you have to do is hang it and add a little water. It’s beautiful there as you can see by the pictures. I hope that you check it out soon.

I love shopping local. You get stuff that is meant for this climate. I mean if it’s growing there then it’s going to be able to grow in your yard right? So far I have never had any problems with that!

Make sure you visit Big Valley Nursery! It’s located in Bieber Ca. The hours are Sunday to Saturday 10am-5pm. You can always call ahead too if you are looking for something specific (530)294-5541 or want a big order for say like decorating your yard for a wedding.

Also don’t forget there are always Gardening Talk like this Saturday at 9am there will be a Water Wise Talk with Charlene Burgi( a Master Gardener) who will talk about mulching, composting and plant selection. It’s free….So why not go , check out the Nursery and learn something newJ I know I am going to definitely try and be there.

So if you are looking for plants, flowers, scrubs, trees, even neat gardening trinkets or fun pillow please come visit our local Big Valley Nursery in Bieber, Ca. Tell them you read this blog and you will also receive a free 6 pack of bright, beautiful petunias! While you are there say hi to Laura and you might bump into me because I am always going to be in need of more things.  If you don’t live here go look for your local shops and nurseries. Talk to the owner, learn their name and have them help you get the garden you are looking for. Enjoy the sun and your garden! Happy Summer!

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