Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Empty Nest Summer

Empty Nest Summer Syndrome? I guess this is what you would call my summer this year. Jackson and Jason left to go to their mom’s right after Graduation (as she came down for Jason’s). Cassie and Josh just left to go to their dads for the summer. I am childless…..and I don’t like it. I have to remember that this is the time that they get to have memories with their other parents so that calms my heart from missing them. I also get to refocus on my husband but mainly refocus on the things I like but never have the time for.

Jackson and Jason were visiting their Aunts while with their mom when we took Cassie and Josh to the airport. They have to go a couple states away so we always make sure to feed them and give them money for the one layover they have. You cannot let teenagers go hungry….you know which is literally every 5 minutes.  All you can eat Sushi is always a good choice. They can eat till they explode and it’s a onetime price of 15.00 each. Can’t beat that!

That reminds me and it’s kind of totally off the subject but I find it so funny that when we have two deep freezers full of food, the fridge to where you can’t fit anything more in it and a whole huge pantry of food that a teenager (probably only mine) asks WHEN we are going shopping because we have NOTHING to eat. Does anyone else get this too? Or is it just me? I am looking and thinking to myself that we could probably not buy a lick of food for a couple of months and still feed them every meal. I think it’s about the teenagers mind that if they don’t have a CERTAIN thing that they want to eat then there must be nothing to eat. Man…these kids are spoiled. They are going to really have a hard time in college when they get the college food menu of pizza and ramen ha! Actually because I coupon a lot my eldest son Jackson said he would pay me to coupon for him so he doesn’t starve to death in College. I see it now…They are going to shop in my pantry. You just watch and see. The “we never have food” is going to turn into “Mom you have too much food let me take it off your hands”.

Since the closest airport is 3.5 hours away we were lucky enough that MIL (Ryan’s mom Sally) stayed at our place to keep eye on animals and such so we could drop them off and not have to come back the same day. No one wants to spend 7 hours in the car….ok let me rephrase that. I don’t want to spend 7 hours in the car if I don’t have to.  I love to save money so we can spend it on other things so we got a hotel in Reno on Groupon for only $59.00 for a Suite at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino. I love how casinos have the cheapest rates because they want you to gamble at their place. We don’t gamble so it makes it just a good deal for us!:) After the kids left had sushi and left on the plane we went to check in. Now what? It’s that sad feeling that all 4 kids are now gone and then that feeling of “
OMG let’s have a date night because we can”. Since all four kids live with us year round it’s a little different feeling than their other parent’s feel I am sure. I know it’s much more difficult for goodbyes for them.

We decided to wander around, shop a little and then go to a movie. When you live 80 miles from a movie theater going to a movie is a BIG thing! Heck we didn’t even know what was playing! We had to look up each movie and even see what it was about. Before moving to the ranch in the middle of nowhere we used to go to the movies every Tuesday night on the discount night. Now we are so thrilled just to see a movie on the big screen. It seriously cracks me up. THEN on top of it!!!! We went to a luxury theater and didn’t even know it. It was only 10 dollars to get it and it had seats that were recliners! I am still so amazed by this! My first thought was we have to take MIL to this when Jurassic Park comes out! My second thought was we have to bring the kids to this. This is amazing. So most of you probably have been to one of these. I HAD to take a picture haha! I mean when you buy the tickets you get to pick your seats. Assigned seating at a theater. At least you know when you bring a bunch of people you will all be together. I think I could live in this theater. Ok, maybe just maybe I am way too excited about this but it was awesome! Ryan and I loved it! As you can see we don’t go to a movie either unless you can have a huge thing of super buttery popcorn. I think going to the movies without popcorn is just so wrong ha!

We had a great time. Went to the Comedy SPY which was good. I love Melissa as an actress. It helped to take the bittersweet moments of the kids all being at the other parent’s house. We had a good romantic time together and were really thankful to MIL for watching the ranch for us. Next time we are going to go with her. I will do the 7 hours in the car so she can come too! So excited! IMAX Jurassic Park in Luxury Seats….I think I am drooling already….

The next day on the way home we had some errands to run and also stopped off at Home Depot to pick up a few things. I went crazy as usual and bought more plants. I always try to buy local when I can but these just called my name.  It was like my treat to be able to add more to my already growing garden. This is one of the things I am going to focus on when the kids are gone. By the time they come back it will be in full production of yummy veggies and fruits. I am always trying to come up with new ideas. I decided this time I am going to take a picture of the green house and the garden every Monday. Then at the end of summer make a video out of it and I can see how it grew week by week. So excited! I apparently get thrills out of the smallest ideas ha!



can tell though that I don’t know what to do with myself when I have no kids at the house because I start too many projects and start looking for more animals ha! I think I have that mothering nature where I want to nurture things all the time. The summer will fly by though and when the kids come back you just watch I will have to probably wear earplugs for a couple days because I won’t be used to all the noise. For now…I keep on music because it feels too deafening quiet. Shhh did you hear that? It’s my plants growing. Yep that’s how quiet it is while Ryan is at work and I am home.
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