Saturday, June 6, 2015

It's Official

Jason Graduating 8th grade
It is Official. I am finally at the age where I remember my parents were at once but actually remember it well. As of today I have a 9th,10th,11th and 12th grader~! Holy Smokes! I swear I am going to have to start taking some extra vitamins this year to keep going.
Giving a speech

Our youngest son Jason graduated 8th grade this weekend. I am so proud of him! Now we have four high schooler's and life will be as busy as ever. He really has grown up so much in this last year. His grades have been good, he has made a lot of new friends and smiles all the time. Its good for any parent to see.
Jason accepting his diploma

He had to do a speaking part and did an amazing job. We were all clapping and hollering as he got his diploma! All of us so proud of him! I was not only happy about him graduating but his best friends as well. I love seeing my friends children grow up and accomplish these milestones in their lives also. I have two amazing friends who have kids in Jason's class. We love to work together and also have fun together. These are Jason's BFF also so that really helps too. They are amazing people who support our family with such love.
Three moms with our... (Becky, Rae, Megan)
three great kids...(Jason, Reagan and Cooper)

I am thankful so many people love him. As you know we are a blended family. My oldest and youngest aren't biologically mine. They have a mom that lives 500 miles away who loves them. We have had Jackson full time since 8th grade and now Jason full time as of this year. Before we had them every second they weren't in school. Its an awesome feeling to have all four kids love one another so well. They have all been together as family for 7 years and don't see each other as anything but brothers and sisters. I know I maybe just the step-mom to some but to me they are just as much my kids as any others because I love them SO much. All four kids I feel the same about. Biological or not. Blood doesn't mean much to me in that way but my four kids do!
Jasons Biological Mom, Jason, Ryan and I

Ok, back to what I was saying. Jason is really loved. We were thankful that my dad and stepmom were able to come here. It was great seeing them. We also of course had my mother in law here Sally and then of course Jason's mom Theresa. Its pretty special to see three sides of family all supporting one kid and all with a smile on their face! He is one lucky kid. I know this isn't always the case for families but we all strive VERY hard to ALL be on the same page for the kids.
All of us together, Just missing Josh (he was sick)
Makes the kids much more stable and happy. I mean we are going to see each other every major event in their life so making the best of it is always the right choice in my mind. We all seem to do it rather well.
Collins Family and our fav MIL Grandma Sally
My Stepmom, Dad and Jason. So thankful they came love them.

After Graduation they have a dance and a celebration. Its pretty cool how the school works because all family is invited. It helps to have all the students have a party and have the whole school celebrate with them. We are so thankful to the school, their teachers and all those who helped them get to this milestone in their lives.

Another picture of Jason just because I love him so!
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My dad told me we might as well make this a family reunion time because starting next year for the next four years I will have someone graduating from High School! These four years are going to go by so fast. I just want life to slow down! I want all these precious moments with my four kids. I love them all so dearly and hate how life just seems to fly by so fast.
Our kiddos...Jason, Cassie and Jack (Josh was sick)

Its going to be an interesting summer. All the kids are going to their other parents house for a month. Its going to just be Ryan and I and the animals. I am happy they get to be with their other parents but I already miss them dearly! This month can go by fast....but the rest has to go slow....ok people! :)

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