Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Thoughts...Caityln Jenner

Whether you agree with Caityln Jenner and her transformation from Bruce Jenner or not, let’s be real….I can’t stop reading about it. I am not one that usually reads all the TRENDING stuff but I find myself every time I see anything about this subject I click and can’t stop reading.

Is this because I am fascinated with her? Maybe. I think I tend to think more about how can someone for 65 years feel a certain way their whole lives and keep that kind of secret. That breaks my heart. I can’t help but look or watch about this story though.

Do I think it’s wrong or right? Actually it’s not my business to think if it’s wrong or right. To me it’s about the person and how they are feeling about themselves.  The one thing that does sadden me however is that Caityln Jenner is going to go down in history for this instead of Bruce Jenners real accomplishment of winning the Gold Medal in the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal where he set the world record. I mean come on….any one of us reading this probably could never come close to that. It’s AMAZING!

So here are my thoughts about the whole thing. I feel like I just had to talk about it since I am obsessed with reading about it when I see something come across my newsfeed.

1.       I am happy for her that she feels free now as Caityln. I pray that she gets the counseling that she needs however because I am sure this is not easy for her or for all the publicity she is getting. I mean seriously even “I” am writing about it.

2.       I worry about her kids. I can’t imagine this being easy at all having a dad their whole lives and then now all the sudden it’s so different. sHe waited till they were all grown. I feel she really tried to make sure their lives were good before she decided to do something to make herself happy. I know they are all being “supportive” but I am sure behind the scenes there is a lot of change and emotions. This cannot be easy on the kids for sure.

3.       I hope I look that good at 65.

4.       I wonder what her style is. I can’t help it. I mean her children and step children are fashion icons in this decade. I know she said it was sweaters and pants. Wonder if her kids will help with fashion or not

5.       I wonder how you can live with something for 65 years and your spouse doesn’t know about it. I know it says that her first two did but that her third really didn’t. Do you think they just thought hmmm this is just a phase? So put it on the backburner.

6.       Makes you wonder how many other people in the world don’t feel like their gender? Makes me sad for them that they would feel a certain way but not feel okay to say something about it. Do you feel that way from a young age and always know? I am so curious

7.       Will she will walk her children down the aisle when they wed?

8.       Did she feel she had to do this so publically and would she have done it different if it weren’t for being a Reality Star and Gold Medal Winner?


I have never met a transgender person before that I know of. I am someone who loves people for who they are, not what their gender, religion, race etc is. Even though this topic just makes me want to look at it because it fascinates me, I feel that we are all people at the end of the day that just want love and respect. No one wants a long struggle to be living their true selves.  What are your thoughts? Comment Below


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