Saturday, June 13, 2015

I finally did it!

I have decided that NOW is the time! I need to get my legs into action and start walking daily. I get about 5 miles in just doing my normal stuff or that’s what my Vivosmart says at least. I decided yesterday that I will walk 2000 extra steps at minimum each day. What started out as my own adventure in walking alone? Ok, wait…that’s a lie. I am NEVER alone. 6 dogs were walking with me. Anyways, back to the story. What started out as my own adventure in walking alone ended up with me walking to the creek which gets in my 2000 steps and seeing my handsome husband on the quad coming home from checking fences out. He of course is wearing camo because if he sees a coyote it becomes instant hunting. It was the coyote’s lucky day….he didn’t get seen and Ryan just did fencing stuff.

So I am 39 and I live on a Ranch. I am really not a Ranch girl so to speak. Never was raised on one. Grew up on Military Bases all over the world. We had ONE dog growing up….one! Now I have 2 cows, 3 sheep, 6 dogs, 2 cats and chickens. I am also looking into pigs and more calves right now but Ryan has been so busy with work we haven’t even had time to go anywhere. He is the Rancher. Working from 7am to sometimes 9pm or so. I am the Ranchers wife. Lol. I am the animal lover who takes care of all our animals and our children. I love this job. It’s my passion.

So back to being old….39 and not being a ranching super star. I have NEVER ridden a quad before. All my kids and my husband know how to ride one. They all have to know for working. They even enjoy moving cattle with them sometimes when not on horseback. I however have NEVER ridden one. I don’t know why. I guess this massive thing freaks me out or something. I kept telling Ryan I want to learn. He said I have been on a dirt bike before that I can ride a quad with ease. I just kind of always walked everywhere I needed to be on the ranch. Would be easier to ride a quad sometimes. Especially when it’s 100 degrees outside.

I walked up to my husband at the creek and he asked me how my day was going. We talked about fencing for a bit (YAWN) and then he said the magic words…..”Today is the day you are going to learn to ride the quad”. I think I came up with a billion excuses….”I am too big, I have allergies, I am going to turn into a pumpkin or something if I ride that”. He just smiled and said to get on the thing.

Then it happened! I turned it on with him in the back in case I died or something I didn’t want to be alone. I drove it!!! DING DING! I felt like a winner! Mind you my children have been driving them since they were little but I felt like I could SOAR! The closest thing I ever had gotten to ride a quad was in the back with my husband or his mom (that’s another story).

I was ready in an instant to do it myself. Ryan said lets go take the dogs back home and we can go out for a ride because he had to check the other ranch. I was ready! I am an expert now…I had driven a whole 3 minutes!

Ryan giving Sebastian a drink
It was pretty easy anyways. He was right I knew how to do it all along. We went on a romantic ride. It was romantic to me because we were together. To him he was checking fencing again and smiling at me every couple minutes. I asked him later why so many smiles. He stated it was because I had the biggest smile on my face. Well yah! I was now an award winning quad rider. Maybe in my mind only but hey I couldn’t wait to get back home, finish dinner and call the kids and tell them that I finally had done it.

Only I would have my Pellegrino on my quad
We had a celebratory dinner of ribs and beans. Seemed appropriate to me for some reason. Sent Jackson the picture of the ribs since it’s his favorite thinking he would say “not fair” but instead he is one smart cookie and said “you are breaking the rules”. He was right. We were sitting in the living room eating. Whoops! I wrote back to him that it was my vacation too and that I am a award winning quad rider that deserves it! J Till next time….maybe I will go over 15mph.

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