Monday, July 13, 2015

Dancing with the Stars Perfect 10

I would have to say that this weekend as great! My MIL as I call her (Mother in Law) and I went to Dancing with the Stars Perfect 10. I love dancing with the stars but my MIL loves it even more. Ryan had asked me what I wanted to do for Mothers Day and I told him that I wanted to go to this show with my MIL. So that was our present plus a bonus dinner before the show in Redding Ca.

Sally, my MIL, got us a hotel so we didn't even have to come back that night which was fun. Ryan got stuck taking care of all the animals but I think he was secretly happy to have a day or two of quiet where he could go hiking etc.

I am grateful that I like my MIL. I actually get along with her really well. She is great company to have. We got in the car and off we went! We were all smiles as you can see.

We decided to go to the pool at the hotel before the dinner and show. First we had to eat because well....we were out! When you live far away from restaurants you use every excuse known to man to eat out!! We went to Red Lobster and had a great lunch. MMM....I hadn't been to Red Lobster in years actually. Hey lunch time specials there are not bad at all! Anyways back to the pool. We went to the pool and Jacuzzi and laid out some. Just know this this ghost white skin I have did not even like that I did that haha! Its pretty bad when you MIL looks better in a swimsuit than you do!! Sexy little thing she is! We had fun relaxing then went back to get ready for the show and dinner.

Dinner was great. Dessert was AMAZING though! We sat a table with two other couples and it was entertaining to say the least. Once people find out you live in a rural place I swear they look at you like you are from Mars or something. I have to laugh but MIL and I both like to people watch. We were saying whose outfits we like and noticed that there were A LOT of elderly woman there waiting to swoon over Val the main male dancer. I think I found some styles I definitely want to try and some I definitely don't ha!

Once we got the show we had to have Tshirts and Coffee Mugs . Yes I am one of those who has to have a coffee mug from everywhere I go! You should of heard the bickering (in fun) between MIL and I on who was going to pay! I WON!!! FINALLY!! Its not easy let me tell ya! (see that MIL!!!). We finally got to our seats which were not exactly where I thought they would be but was fun anyways. We had gotten tickets after it was already almost sold out. We could still see the stage, faces, abs (that's important) etc. The place was packed!

The show was awesome! They are just magical at dancing. I don't even think I could get my feet to move that fast if I was being hunted by a serial killer. They were so cool. I was excited because Rumar Willis was there since she had won this season with Val. She had a boot on her foot so couldn't dance but she sang many of the songs. I was really impressed by her sultry voice! She kind of sounds like the girl who sings at all the beginning of 007 movies. Amazing. The show was funny, sexy, fun, exciting and all that I was hoping it would be. We had a great time!

I am glad that we went. We also found out that the Moscow Ballet is doing the Nutcracker in November. I am buying tickets now! I am even more excited about that one! Side note. My parents used to take me to the Nutcracker in Germany each year and it was amazing. I want my family to experience that too.

The next day I think we were still excited from all the dancing. MIL got us a hotel room to stay at and when we woke up we came up with the brilliant idea of having popcorn for breakfast. To the movies we went! Decided on seeing Magic Mike XXL. I lost on paying! She got me back the whole rest of the day! UGH! I have already seen Magic Mike XXL with hubby because I love Channing Tatum and he is an amazing dancer. Lets just say this one was WAY better than the first. MIL had a smile on her face so I know she loved it too. We both agree we didn't really like the first one.

So popcorn for breakfast we had to have something just a TAD more substantial for lunch so MIL took us to Logan's Steakhouse. I crack up at this picture of her with a whole rack of ribs! Look at this tiny little MIL with all that food. Even the waiter looked at her weird. She said "I would like a whole rack of ribs".....pause...pause....pause..."oh and a box because 3/4 of this is going to my son". I think the waiter was relieved. The ribs look bigger than her!

It was a fun day. We did some food shopping and headed home. I love spending time with my MIL because she is funny and smart. We talk like friends. Not like I am married to her son. This is pretty nice considering how ppl usually talk about their MILs. It was a great weekend. I needed it. Thank you to my dear hubby who got us the tickets and thank you to my MIL who is stubborn as hell and wouldn't let me pay for much! I love you both!

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