Friday, July 17, 2015

Mud Fights

What do you do when it’s your last day together for a while with your BFF? You have a mud fight in the reservoir of course! Laura and her (my) babies have been here for a week. I don’t even want her to go home but I guess her husband might be mad at me if she doesn’t show back up. We have done so much stuff this week it’s been fun. My favorite times although it’s all my favorite is when we are sitting at the end of the day having a glass of wine and just talking about life. I haven’t been blogging because I haven’t had the time. Don’t want to miss anytime with her.

Today we went to the Reservoir. Mind you Laura and I have been best friends since we were 12. We are totally goofy when we get together. The kids thought this was the funniest thing ever. Everyone started slinging mud like it was going out of style. The kids told us how our skin and hair would feel so much better from all the mud they were slinging at us.

think my 5th child Mateo (Jacksons BFF) thought that maybe we had gone insane or that the one glass of wine we had last night was still somehow affecting us. We did get him into it though eventually. As you can see he has a mudhawk.

It was a great day. Its not even over. Tonight we are going to the star party with the kids to see telescopes as big as cars and hopefully see Saturn’s rings again.

Going back to chat with my friend. Had small amount of time while she showered since we kind of caked up her hair with mud~!


Enjoy some crazy BFFs pictures of this week…

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