Friday, July 10, 2015

So Excited!! She is coming here!!

After this week of not so great news I am so excited because in a couple days my Best Friend will be coming for the week with her kids to Auntie Rae-Rae's Farm! You know how sometimes you just feel like you NEED something. I am so needing her to come and for us to talk and have fun.

I met Laura when we were in 7th Grade. I don't think we really hit it off at first but by 8th Grade we were best of friends. We have stayed Best friends throughout the years also. She has been there for me and I for her for almost every important event in our lives from Weddings, Births, Divorce (mine not hers lol), and even Losses like our mothers.

Laura in Front, I have my hand on my face (high school)

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This is someone who has been there for me through thick and thin. She is one that has been constant in my life. I can talk to her every day, every second or not talk to her for months. Doesn't matter because we always go back to the same ol same ol of being great friends. She has been my rock. She has always had my back but she has ALWAYS told me how it really is and showed me the other side too.

I think everyone needs a friend like this. How can you not love her? She is known as being shy but she really isn't. She is smart, sassy and fun. How many people do you know would go to Lamaze classes as the coach because their BFF husband was in Basic Training. She would! How many people would travel all the way to NYC to make sure she was okay after surgery to talk about Cushing's to a group? She would! How many people cry when you cry and laugh when you laugh. She does. She literally is one of the most important people in my life. I am graced to have known her for so long and know the God has kept us together as friends even though I have moved as far as Japan at times.

She takes awesome pictures and doesn't care how

We have the best memories. I still say to her that she called me a bad name in 7th grade. She still says that it was one of our other friends. She still says that she wasn't my bridesmaid at my wedding. I often tell her that she was at my second wedding and that's the one that counts! I still laugh how she was my Lamaze coach and I had to tell everyone, every single time that my husband was in Basic Training. All that just for Cassie to be born by C-Section. We always did cooking classes together. We were young and cheap though so we would always just buy a cook book and do full dinners for our families. This time is not an exception either...we have meals planned to make and she isn't even here yet. We are Foodies at heart. We laugh at each other and our kids all the time. She is always telling me about my teens and I am always telling her how she has her time coming. She has been there when my son had the biggest fit EVER in the history of life when he was little and I still swear I wont go back to that restaurant even though its been 10 years ha! We love sushi and have to have it! I cant keep writing because it will take me forever ha!

Its weird how life works. We have planned this whole trip for months and it just so happens that now is the time I need my friend the most.

I am too excited about the kids coming and visiting the Ranch. I have all these crafts and ideas planned because I want them to beg to come back each and every year. Makes her come back and I love my babies. Ok they aren't babies anymore but I love them all the same!

See each other even if it can only be for lunch going through town
I am sure we will blog some of our adventures. Stay tuned because when we are together craziness and fun often ensue and laughter is plenty.

Its fun to have a friend that you have known for over half your life. One that has been a true friend. I am literally counting down the minutes till she is here.

Tick it Monday yet?

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