Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Crazy Boys for the Big Heart Day

I have to say that I cant stop laughing because all the sudden all three of my boys Jackson, Joshua and Jason this year have someone they like. That isn't the funny part though. The funny part is Valentines Day is coming up quickly and ALL the sudden all three of them are begging for extra work around the House and Ranch to get some extra money.

I find it really cute because  they all have been looking up stuff that they want to get their girlfriends and showing me it. They have all been complaining too on how much stuff is lol. It makes me wonder if girls really appreciate at this age what they get or even know how much it really costs. To me the biggest gift they are giving them is the fact they are working for the money....not the actual gift.

I was pretty impressed with Joshua who I have always thought was the romantic one of the boys. He was looking up dozen roses and Shari's Berries. I just shake my head at the fact that HE knew what Shari's berries were because I don't even think my own husband does. HA!
Josh is only 14 though so I think he needs to slow way down on what he is wanting to buy. A dozen roses for a 14 year old girl I think is way over the top. Whatever happened to a card and those candies that had words on them. You know the ones that you took all the cool sayings and gave it to the girl or boy that you liked and hoped that they would get the hint. :) I am more of the mom who wants my kids to do stuff from the heart. Things girls really want like a single flower....maybe even some chocolates. All girls love chocolates or so they say.

Jackson and Jason are both kind of on the same wave length of what they want to get. Cant really write it down because then their girlfriends might see the blog. Don't want to ruin the surprise. They are super thoughtful boys too and I am sure the girls they like will love their gifts also.

I like that my boys think of others. I also like that they don't expect us to buy something for their girlfriends but rather they are willing to put the work in. Hey we definitely aren't complaining either because we have some stuff that we keep putting off on the ranch that they are working on now which is helpful. Like getting all the recycling together. I am not talking about cans and bottles but rather all the metal and stuff we need to get rid of that is taking up space in the shop. If they load and haul that they can split that money which will help them out.

I truly think the boys romantic side comes from watching Ryan. He has always been a gentleman and opened my door. I thought after awhile it would stop but 7 years later he is still doing it. I don't get flowers every day or anything which I definitely don't want. He does things that matter to me. Takes care of me when I am sick. When out of town always brings back Starbucks for me. Loves to make a great meal with me while listening to music. He is always bringing me home special little something's and always tells me how much he loves me. Watches horrible chick flicks with me. I even got him to watch Magic Mike with me once because I wanted to see it lol. Now that's a guy who loves a girl lol. Most importantly he loves to spend time with me and we do a lot of things together even though we have a busy life. I even get those random texts midday that say "I love you" or how he appreciates me. Ryan is one of those old fashioned true romantics. I think my dad was definitely that way with my mom. So I am lucky to have married someone as cool as my dad.

Hope everyone is thinking of something cool for the big heart day! Remember though its not all about the girls......I have to get my thinking cap on to make it special for my husband too. Have a great Valentines Day....

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