Monday, May 11, 2015

To Shoe or not to Shoe

We have 5 horses. All of which we have saved from one place or another. Our horses are our babies and we do everything we can for them. From Vaccinations, Worming, Teeth Floating, Brushing, Loving, Feeding and also Shod  their Hoofs.

To Shoe or not to shoe. There is always a debate on this. We actually do both. Our Ranch horses that move cows get their Hooves Shod. We do that because they walk through some rough terrain and it helps their Hooves.

Our horses are part of our family. May sound odd to some but we have Fat, Jack and Leroy. Then we have Foxy and Elvis. Elvis is an old boy who we never ride. He is more of a pasture pet that I love dearly. He was an ex Racehorse that we saved because he was almost skin and bone. He is a healthy old boy now. So we just get his feet trimmed regularly. Jack is our crazy huge horse that only Ryan can ride who was also an ex Racehorse. He gets trimmed also. The ones that get shod are Leroy (Ryan's main horse) and Fat. Fat get shod every 6 weeks without fail because he has navicular so he needs the horse shoes to help his legs to feel better as he walks. Leroy is the one that is ridden the most and Ryans baby so he definitely gets shod.

To shoe or not to shoe. As you can see we do both. I have heard pros and cons with both but in the end I think its what is best for the horse. We have an awesome farrier who has done this for many years. She is the best in our county and we are thankful she treats our horses so well. She even let me take some pictures this time with a little bit of coaxing.

I am just thankful that we have our babies and the ability to save and take care of them. This summer I will also be taking lessons to feel more comfortable on the horses. Ryan and Jack are pros. The rest of us are more of trail riders. Its fun to ride as a family but the part I tend to like most is brushing and caring for our horses. Especially Elvis my old boy.

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