Friday, April 3, 2015

Feeding Frenzy

Everyday is a Feeding Frenzy. We feed the Horses and Cows twice a day. The bottle fed lambs and calf get fed 4 plus times a day. So Its always a feeding frenzy. I decided to tell you about it in the way of pictures:)

My Cow Princess. She was bottle fed as a calf.

She hears me calling her name

Its funny because she comes to me and not Ryan

Hey what about the horses back there she says

So I call them and they come a runnin...

This is Jack, Fat and Leroy

Like the song Fat, Jack and Leroy

Jack and Leroy love to sniff me

Jack is an ex Racehorse and a BIG BOY

This is Ryans favorite, probably the kids too. Leroy!

This is my baby Fat. He is a Beauty

Elvis is our pasture horse. Ex Racehorse and an old man. We don't ride him.

Foxy was being weird today lol.

I had to walk the plank of death to get to the horses!

Ok Ok so it was only a few steps but whatever!

Selfie with my cow, hey why not!

Leroy posing for the camera.

HAD to take this. I think my man is hot :)

Princess is a pig! Well a cow but a pig.....

She really needs a napkin

Sheep Barn

Lamb chops and Wooley are twins...

Lamb Pile? They are always playing

Wooley, Lamb Chops, Buzz and Stevie

Buzz always has milk all over his face

A little over a week old and cute as pie! Minnie!

She is a pig too. Make sure to feed her a lot of she nudges you hard

Full Belly and posing for a pic. Love her coloring!

My Favorite because lamb lips look funny sucking on a bottle!
That's our feeding frenzy for the day. It happens everyday and for most of the animals every 4-6 hours. Love feeding them. Seeing them all grow and love you back is such a blessing. I maybe Mom to four teenagers but I am Mom to a lot of animals too!

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