Saturday, April 4, 2015

Mother Son Day and some Chicks

My 14 year old Josh and I
When you have four teenagers you have to take advantage of the days you only have one child. Ryan took our three that are in braces to their appointments 2 hours away so Josh and I had our own day. It was pretty fun!

I am 5'10'' and he is 6'2'' at 14!!!!

We picked up our new chicks today

Love this one she looks grumpy

Sleeping babies

I asked him to smile he said he wouldn't.

Of course he started too but wouldn't show me

Yep I am going to catch it! I am!

Yep got it! Kind of but good enough for me

Decided to be a cool mom and let him dye his hair black but its not permanent
I am definitely a messy dyer lol.  

Final results. In the sun it looks blue though so I hope it washes out fast
It was a good day. I got a lot of smiles and we talked. Sometimes its hard to get teenage boys to talk. I find that if they are trapped in the car with you conversation ensues :) I cant wait to have this one on one day with all my kids. Its rare with the busy house that we have but I think its important. He got to be the lucky one today since he is the only one not in braces. Actually I feel like I am the lucky one being able to have this one on one time! Love my kids

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1 comment:

  1. Great story! Handsome boy!
    Look forward to meeting the other guys too!.
    Love the baby chicks!
