Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dating can be doing Chores, Right?

Are Chores considered a date? I think most people in the world would say no. They would want that romantic dinner and a movie date. Heck I love those too and when we have time we definitely do that too. Chores to us though CAN be considered a date. Especially when its a day that its just Ryan and I doing it. Everyday we have to feed our loving animals of course. Our 5 dogs live with us so that's easy. Its just feeding them, loving on them, brushing them out daily especially our little one Molly because she looks like a fluff ball. Its a date though when your husband picks you up in the cart and says, " Let's go for a ride". I love those days. I jump in the cart and off we go down the dirt road, holding hands, to go feed our cow Princess and all the horses. Usually we brush them and clean out their hooves too. This day we didn't bring the brushes and we really should of. Half the horses though it was fun to go rolling in the mud and looked a little on the crazy side ha! Princess our cow looked like she had gotten into the Hay barn because she had hay all over her. I really should of named her some secret agent name because she is always getting into stuff :)

I thought I would introduce you to our dogs....Most people wouldn't have 5 dogs in the house (two of them are rescues) but they are all house dogs. They have a large area that's fenced in to run and have fun but they sleep inside. I am one of those crazy people who steam cleans their carpet almost weekly if not bi weekly. Hey...we have a lot of dogs. I don't want anything smelling like dog. Plus we live in the country its not like they are running on grass and then coming straight into the house. All of our kids have dogs except Cassie because she is more of a cat person. She has a couple cats but they only come to her so I don't have any pictures of them on this trip lol.

This is Maggie. She is a Whippet Dog. They are like a Greyhound style dog but really small. When we saved her she was locked in a house for many weeks with no food. You could actually see all her ribs. It was horrible. She is sooooooooo sweet and loves to cuddle. And lets all admit it that she looks like Doby off of Harry Potter to me. Right? Right! Maggie is Jason's Dog.
Tell me She doesn't look like Dobby

Maggie and Molly

Ninja is Jackson's Dog. He seems like he is always smiling no matter what. He is a Border Collie-Chesapeake Bay Retriever Mix. We have had him now for 3 years. He is such a soft dog. We thought that would go away but it never did. He is Jackson's pride and Joy. I know when Jackson gets out on his own he is going to want to take Ninja...they are really close.
Jack's Dog Ninja

Jasper is our other Rescue. He is still a puppy even though he doesn't look like it. He is a Boxer/PitBull Mix. Its amazing how gentle he is to our newest puppy. We got Jasper in front of a Grocery Store. There was this couple who you could tell was on drugs or something, holding this super little puppy with a VERY big belly. They asked us for money to feed him. The poor puppy looked like he had a distended belly from not eating and was whinning. I looked at Ryan and instantly he knew. So he asked the couple to have the dog for 40 dollars cash. They gave him up right away. Bam...we had #4 dog. The kids thought we were crazy but loved him right away. Now he is so big! He is taken care of, loved and almost 7 months old. Jasper is Josh's Dog.
Our Rescue Dog Jasper

Our two puppies Jasper and Molly

Cassie and I share Molly. Cassie is more of a cat person but with so many dogs in the house its not a good idea. Plus I am not a cat box type of person. Molly we got just 2 months ago. She is our last and final dog. We got her because well to be honest....I missed my mom. Now that sounds crazy but my mom passed away from Cancer 4 years ago and she had a dog named Azuma that looked JUST like Molly. Azuma had passed on too. So in my thinking about my mom I decided I really wanted a puppy that was small and could cuddle with all the time. We found Molly and it was so meant to be because she looks like like Azuma. Cassie and I love her. We trade off with her all the time. Molly is a Shih Tzu and will only get to be 6 pounds. We were worried about her with the other dogs but she fits in great.

Sierra is Ryan's Baby. Sierra is 10 years old and we call her the old grouchy lady. She is a Great Pyrenees. She was the runt of the litter so she is pretty small for that breed. When I first started Dating Ryan 7 years Ago we used to fight about who she liked the most. Sierra is definitely Ryan's baby. Sierra has been there for Ryan for a lot of things. It was funny because when I first met my husband I remember someone joking with him calling him the Tin Man. I asked why they called him that and they said it was because he had no heart. Ok Let me just say first that Ryan is the most compassionate person. I didn't know they were joking as I didn't know him that well at the time. We had stopped at his house and that was the first time I met Sierra. We watched a movie and I watched him with her. Any man who is that kind to their dog and loving I knew had a huge heart. He couldn't hide his true self from me hahah! I mean geesh he even changed his voice as if talking to a baby to talk to Sierra. :)
Princess Sierra

Anyways somehow I went on and on about our dogs....You are probably bored now but hey...maybe my next post will be a better read...ha!

So back to the beginning...we went on a date to do chores. We drove to the other side of the Ranch, holding hands, in the cart. We went to feed our animals that are in the field. I laughed so hard with my husband. We talked and smiled and went to feed our animals.
I told Ryan to act like he was doing something ha!

Getting the hay

Ready for our ride
Princess looking at her Lunch

I think its a good thing to take any thing and turn it into a date. Hey why not? It doesn't have to be a Friday night. You don't have to go to a movie or a dinner. You can turn any event into a date really. Make it fun. Have that one on one time.......It was really fun and I got to get some pictures while I was there which is something I like to do. Plus I got out in the sun. Let me tell you I need that because in a month we are going on a Cruise and my skin looks like Milk.....I am afraid at this point that the fish will try and eat me while we snorkel ha!
Here comes Foxy and Elvis

They see the Hay

Foxy, Leroy, Jack and Elvis

Fat and Jack

Jack decided to roll in the mud

Hope you enjoyed our pictures. Please subscribe to my blog. Every month we have a giveaway. Go to my Starbucks blog a couple days ago and comment to maybe win the 20 dollar Gift Card. Who doesn't love a little something for free:)

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