Monday, March 30, 2015

Rae-Rae's Brain Dump

Brain Dump can be crazy, weird, funny, interesting. Its when you write out what you are thinking for a certain amount of time. I thought I would do it and see what this ol brain has to say. So Ready...Get Set....GO! (5 minutes worth)

Okay seriously I don't know what to write but I want to make sure I have fun blogs and more subscribers everyday. Its important to me since this is my passion and at the same time it becomes a journal for me or even or my kids in the future. Who knows maybe I can be the next Blogging Crazed person. Wait...I think I am already. I think about Blogging all the time. Besides thinking about that I am thinking about how I should of changed my pants before I sat down to blog because I have lamb and cow drool on me. I really love feeding my animals. Its always super fun. The only time I don't like it is when we have to go somewhere or do something and I have to make sure its within 4 hours so I can get the next feeding done. I am worried about tomorrow. Oh ya tomorrow is my anniversary and after my Dr appointment I am hoping to have a Sushi lunch with my husband. I want to do something super cool for him but done know what yet. He deserves it.  I hate putting people out but I am going to have to have someone pick up the kids to take them to school because we have to leave at 6 am. I have to make sure my feeding is done before we go and then Becky will be feeding them at 12 and the kids can feed at 4. I hate putting people out. That is the one thing I miss is having family close by to help or we can help them. We are lucky because we will be gone for a week and my mother in law will be feeding everything. I worry about her hands though and the lambs and calf bombarding her. I am going to have to separate them. Its hard for one person to feed sometimes. Easier to have two with all the bottle feeding. Hence why I have milk on my pants and drool. Yep I even say Hence in my head. So weird.
Wonder how Ryan is doing with working on piping for Irrigation today? When Christines grandbabies come here we should make him lunch and bring it to him. I think I will bring canvas and we can paint outside with the kids because its such a perfect day. I really need to tan before the cruise. I look like baby powder. I wonder if this is going to be boring to others? You know how you start to read something but it doesn't catch your attention so you move on. Life is so like that now a days. I wish that we would put down our cell phones and shut off our computers more. I am bad about that too. I look at facebook a lot and am always trying to get my blog out there. Wonder what people think of it? Its so new. Cant wait to see how it does in years to come. Its going to be so cool to look back at the kids and see what they were doing all the time.
Hoping Jack, Cas and Josh don't get home too late tonight from their leadership conference. Even with phone calls I hope they had a good time and learned some stuff. I feel closer to Jason just after this weekend. Its nice to have one kid to spoil just for a weekend when you have four. Definitely going to have to take turns. I let him drive the car from ranch to ranch by himself and was worried the whole time even though we practiced a lot. He was so happy to do it and even turned up the music. Then when he drove me he slowed way down I felt like we would never get to the house. Has 5 minutes been up? I wish I thought more about cool stuff or intellectual stuff like a professor or something. Where is Christine anyways? Worried the Grandbabies aren't here yet for me to watch today. Man my mind is boring. Guess I will have time for another cup of coffee and to change my slobbered on pants. Its such a nice day outside. Don't think I will do a brain dump post again.
I feel like I am getting bored myself! Hope people subscribe anyways on the blog or google or bloglovin.

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