Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spring Cleaning, Keurig and Tips

Last night while laying comfy in my bed getting ready to watch my guilty pleasure shows I started to think of Spring Cleaning. What? WHY RAE! WHY! Why is my mind thinking of this. I have clean house and its always picked up. With 6 of us in a smaller house it has to be or I might go mad and need a straight jacket. I have to say however that I am more the gal that likes things to LOOK clean. I hate, hate, hate things on tables or counters. I call that the "drop zone" and am always freaking out when there is stuff there. If you ask my husband though you will know that I have a junk drawer....or two....ok ok I have three! That's through the whole house though.

I woke up this morning with the same gumption as I had last night. I wanted to lay back down and just THINK about cleaning ha! I waited till Ryan was out the door. Grabbed some coffee from my keurig and started writing my list of things I was going to do. I wanted it to be deep cleaned not just cleaned to the eye.

*Side Note* Ok every time I talk about my keurig coffee machine I have to laugh. Ryan bought me one like, oh I don't know, four years ago. I think I used it twice and it ended up getting stored. It was one of the ones that didn't have water on the side so you literally had to pour the water in for every cup. I don't know why but I thought it was too much work since I was doing that and next to it was Ryan's pot of coffee. He cannot live without the stuff. I hope a doctor never says he has to give it up because I know he wont ha! This January I was shopping and saw the newest keurig and just had to have it. With lots of eye rolling from my husband because I gave the other one away to my friend years ago....we bought another. Who knew! I love it now. Don't know what my problem was back then. Maybe I am older and wiser now. Hey! I just turned 39 you know. Just thought that was funny and I should share.

I made a list because it makes me feel better when things are checked off. I am bad sometimes I write down things I have already done just to make it look to myself like I have done more. Its not like anyone is going to see my list but it makes me feel good.  Things I do but not that often are taking the blinds off and clean them or wash down the doors. I got all my cleaning supplies out. I have to admit that it isn't much. I have certain things I just use. I am a crazy Clorox bleach wipes person, Windex, pledge dusting and then I use a lot of baking soda, vinegar and bleach around the house.

Some of the things that I think spring cleaning should entail is :
  1. Washing windows inside and out.
  2. Cleaning ceilings and baseboards
  3. Washing down all doors front and back
  4. Cleaning out all light fixtures
  5. Taking down and cleaning the blinds ( I wash them in bleach in the bathtub)
  6. Purging Medicine cabinets
  7. Purging all make up that is more than 6 months old
  8. Making sure pantry doesn't have expired stuff. (We have to buy a lot because we have so many people. Sometimes new stuff gets in front of the old stuff and you don't notice.)
  9. Rearrange all cabinets in kitchen. HEY! WHY is there a box with nothing in it?
  10. Dust everything....even getting on the floor and dusting the bottoms of things.
  11. Clean out and rearrange deep freezer.
  12. Wipe down walls
  13. Go through everyone's clothes and make sure it fits. If it doesn't give to friends or thrift shop. (I firmly believe that once you wear it once its used anyways)
  14. If we haven't used it (and its not a heirloom or valuable) in a year....then it gets donated.

I am sure I have more stuff that I will do as I go. This is my list for today and maybe tomorrow depending on if I get tired or not. I do my normal stuff too like cleaning bathrooms everyday, steam cleaning the rugs once a week or every other week, steaming all the bathroom and kitchen floors, dusting almost daily (we live on a dirt road it has to be done) etc etc etc

I took a break in between to breath again and to write this blog. I feel pretty motivated but I needed a break. Doesn't matter if you get it done in one day or in one week. Its refreshing when its done. All my candles are lit. My music is on. The cool breeze of spring is coming through the screens. Its a good day! Now I have to just make sure that when the kids get home they hover over the carpet and don't touch anything for a month right? Ok I guess I should be realistic...I will give them gloves as they come in so they don't touch anything ha!

Hope its nice enough outside for you to get into the mood of spring cleaning. I am one of those people who doesn't care what your house looks like. You don't have to clean before I come there because I am not there to look at your house. I am there to visit with you. I just do my house for my own sanity. Its not always even close to perfect but dangit this week its going to be. Until next year at least :)

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